Monday, May 12, 2014


Creating The Face

Creating The Extra Me

 For some reason, I thought I took way more screenshots than this. Anywho, most of the time while working on this, I was around some other class mates. For the extra avatar, I created Pacman, but with wild eyes. Then I wondered what else I should do, so I created all of the ghosts as well. Also funny story, in the first photo of the ghost in the line of screenshots of creating the extra me, there were guys battling each other Dragon-Ball Z style, with explosions, and that's what was happening in the background, and they happened to trap Jasmine for a good five minutes as well. Plenty good times.
The face, while I think the shape looks alright, I didn't realize the colors would be so incredibly off-setting. And I took the photos at the same time; however, I did not think of where the light would be, etc, so my neck and ears look normal colored, and my face looks like Shrek. I think I would be able to do it again with normal colors next time.

Monday, May 5, 2014

 Artist Statement:

This project was horrible. I messed with many things for hours to try to recreate it. I would like to try and use this program more, or more specifically Blender to create something more attractive. I have a million times more appreciation for 3D artists, but I am still thoroughly interested in 3D modeling.