Tuesday, January 28, 2014

Tate Project GIF


Title of painting: The First Cloud

Originally I planned to use this painting, and have the light flicker, with the man's head bobbing. However, after looking at the same of the piece, and general somber feeling, I decided to keep the light coming on and off -- the nature of a storm, and the heads/torso disappearing in a creepy effect that forces you to watch something else or perhaps pay attention to another point on the GIF/painting. I used three general layers -- one for the original painting/room, the next for medium light, and the last with brighter light. Following this, I used the stamp tool to erase/blend their heads into the background. Finally, I used tweening to help blend layers, and copies of the layers together. Overall I thought of the title "The First Cloud" as a storm and flickering lights and a general struggle to feel safe and sound.

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