Wednesday, April 9, 2014

Interventionist Design

I decided to use one of the most popular pornography sites, to discuss and give the idea that the porn culture has some severe flaws, and upon doing some research, I discovered a few facts that lead to a lot of these statements in the pictures. Here are a few of the facts: There are 116,000 searches for "child porn" each day. Every second there is $3,075.64 being spent on porn. The average age in which someone first views porn is 11. Twenty percent of American men view porn at work. And lastly, there are over 68 million searches for porn daily, making up over 25% of all daily searches. I originally wanted to focus on women in the porn industry, but I decided to focus on the overall idea of falseness within this industry. The only thing I really did not changed in the view number and thumbs-up percentages. I attempted to make everything relatable.


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